The Schork Report

The Schork Report is the company’s core research note and is the industry’s leading daily briefing tool. Subscribers to the The Schork Report represent a broad cross section of the world’s most influential producers, marketers, traders, financial institutions, and end users.

Each of the daily reports has a distinctive focus:

Monday Weekly Recap/Outlook
Tuesday Macroeconomic/Geopolitical Analysis
Wednesday Preview of EIA Petroleum Report and Macroeconomic/Geopolitical Analysis
Thurdsay Analysis of the EIA Petroleum Report
Friday Analysis of the EIA Nat Gas Report

Power & Natural Gas Regional Price Range Forecasting Report

The Power & Natural Gas Report presents multi-year, forward curve price-range forecasts and trading/hedging recommendations. Producers, commercial and industrial end users rely on this regional analysis to optimize their hedging programs.

On-Demand Reports

On-Demand Power & Natural Gas Reports present fundamental, quantitative, and technical analysis customized for any regional gas/pricing hub and time horizon (e.g., month, seasonal, or calendar strip).

Co-branded Reports/Proprietary Content

Engage Customers – Build Relationships

SCHORK content is designed to differentiate your company’s presence in the energy services market and extend your brand visibility. This approach establishes the groundwork within which your customers recognize the gainful benefits of having access to analysis and consultative support that is only available through their relationship with your company.